curator, producer, teacher
My name is Joost Broersen
I like to look at our world and wonder
about the stories and technology we immerse ourselves in
how these make us who we are today
and ask myself not "How does it work?"
but rather "Why does it work?" and "Where will this bring us?"
I studied foodprocestechnology and interaction design,
curated the Medialab at the annual Cinekid Festival for young people ('07-'10),
teach and advice in matters of E-culture and children's media,
have problems compiling my interests in a short list, but some of them are:
media art - transmedia - wearables - robotics - augmented reality - RFID - neuroscience - biotech - modern dance - ...
on occassion I can also be found off-the-grid
playing underwater hockey, boardgames, dancing tango or hiking