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Hostage pt. 1 & scan - Frederik de Wilde

Hostage is the darkest artwork (painting) in the world and is completely nano engineered.

Nano art is a new discipline located at the art-science-technology intersections that plays on the aesthetic paradox of exposing ideas, concepts and artworks that cannot be seen. Nano art is the perfect antidote to the huge mass of images projected at us every second of every day. An essential feature of nano art is that it not only uses technology but is inseparable from it in the process phase. The space in which the artworks are created is infinitesimally small and generates new ways of thinking and methodologies and offers different manners of artistic expression. De Wilde’s work is grounded in the interaction between complex systems, both biological and technological. The indistinct, diffuse, ‘fuzzy’ arena where the biological and the technological overlap and commingle is a productive and favored ground for his projects and projections.

This work is represented by the V2_ Agency

Hostage pt. 1 & scan -  Frederik de Wilde
Fredrik de Wilde - Hostage