John O'Shea
John O'Shea - is a UK based artist who works with (and against) technology to open up unspoken questions concerning the values behind everyday transactions. He works with unconventional materials and social structures to develop new and experimental approaches to art-making.
Four years ago he founded The Meat Licence Proposal - an organisation working towards the collaborative development of a new kind of law requiring consumers to have direct engagement with the slaughter of animals before they can purchase meat.
During 2011/12 he is working in residence at the Clinical Engineering department of the University of Liverpool - attempting to grow a football from living cells.
He completed an AHRC Research Project at Newcastle University's Culture Lab in 2010 where he proposed and prototyped new kinds of technological 'interface' between citizens and 'law'. In 2008 he was awarded a place at the SymbioticA Bio-tech Art Masterclass at the University of Stavanger in Norway which was set up to give artists a primer in laboratory experience. and